White Clam Sauce with Linguine / 조개 파스타

Learn how to cook fresh clams easily from a 30 years experienced fish retailer!

Simple recipe, complex flavor.

Buy The Ingredients At Oseyo

Thin linguine

Cooking Rice Wine(Taijade Shaohsing)


Haepyo Olive Oil



Oseyo Vegetables


  • Make sure to click through the tabs to see the ingredients
4 Person
Thin linguine
Garlic Cloves
Cooking Rice Wine(Taijade Shaohsing)
Haepyo Olive Oil
1 bunch
2 dozen

Recipe Instructions

  • Serves: 4 | Total Cooking Time: 30 mins

Step 1

Wash fresh top neck clam under running water. Put them in a bowl with warm water. The clams will open up their mouth in 10-20 minutes, change water to keep the temperature warm if needed. The clams will shut their mouth again if the water is too cold.

Step 2

Using a small knife, open the clams completely. Reserve their juice and meat.

Step 3

Separate the meat and juice using a tong. Make sure to rinse the meat gently in the juice because there are still sand debris in the juice. Pour the clean juice into another bowl slowly.

Step 4

In a large pan, sauté garlic with olive oil. Extra virgin oil is too strong for this recipe, use regular olive oil or canola oil. When garlic turns brown, add clam meat and juice quickly.

Step 5

When the sauce is boiling, add white wine and chopped parsley. Cook for 1-2 minutes and turn the heat off. If you cook clam too long, it will lose its flavor and become chewy. Make sure to sauté everything very quickly.

Step 6

Add cooked linguine into the pan. Mix gently and serve. Garnish with more chopped parsley.

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